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Student Handbooks 

From pilot in 1995 to now 

1995: Media & Democracy 


This was the first issue of the annual Student Handbook.


Media & Democracy was the department's theme for 1995. It provided a common thread that ran through teaching and learning and other activities and was deliberately chosen as a pressingly topical issue with broad implications which focused the various tasks and initiatives of the year for the department. 


Click the picture to read the Handbook. 




Student Handbook 1995 pic.png

Their fruit and power


From pilot in 1995 to now

What did you choose?

1996: Media & Democracy 


The 1996 Student Handbook continued running with the theme of Media & Democracy. 


The theme "Media and Democracy" encompassed dozens of specific topics which were a logical part of the subject matter of many of the courses in the new curriculum of 1996. These included: Press freedom, media independence, pluralism/diversity, public interest and the media and participatory journalism. 


Click the picture to read the Handbook. 




Student Handbook 1996 pic.png

1997: Driving the Information Generation 


This Student Handbook declares it is looking ahead to transformation: focusing on how race, culture and language impact on curriculum, student recruitment, student academic support and visitors. 


It aims to do more research on SA media throughout the whole department and strengthening ties with Industry and community media. 


Click the picture to read the Handbook. 




2000: 30th Birthday Edition 


Core Values: 


Democracy, equality, representivity and diversity. 

Freedom of expression, media independence and diversity. 



Creativity, imagination, initiative and entrepreneurship

Life-long learning 

Community service


Click the picture to read the Handbook. 




2001: Driving the Information Generation 


The vision for the new millennium is "To be the leading African educational and research centre in journalism and media studies, with world-class standards, and a creative and critical commitment to communications."   


Core purpose: To educate students to become critical journalism and media studies practitioners who are globally competitive. To conduct research to support this education. 


Click the picture to read the Handbook. 




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