Enrolment of first year students in journalism leaps up by 30% in 1979. Why?
"Possibly because the Information scandal has made journalism seem like a glamorous profession." At least this is the opinion of Journalism staff who compare the jump in numbers with a similar phenomenon at journalism schools in the United States after Watergate.
Of course, the increase may also be linked to the growing reputation of the Rhodes department, the only one of its kind at an English-language university in South Africa.
Bulletin, 1979 (2): 3

Guy Berger
Who is this guy?

The article below written by Catherine Knox was published soon after Guy Berger took up the role of Head of Department in the School of Journalism and Media Studies in 1994. It not only reflects his becoming as a young intellectual and politicized student at Rhodes in the late 1970s, but also carries a taste of Berger's personality that lives on in the department to this day.
Colourful ties!
Guy Berger, front page of magazine, 1994

Knox, C. 1994. Who's this guy? jd. 1(1), 6 - 8.